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The engineering team has been working together for 15 years, accomplishing corrosion and seismic/structural evaluations and design of tanks, reservoirs, pipelines, and related facilities.



Our Team

Krista Harper - Vice President

Ms. Harper, Vice President and Principal Engineer of Harper & Associates Engineering, Inc., is a registered civil engineer (C71280).  She has been working for the past 25 years extensively in corrosion and structural engineering projects, primarily related to steel and concrete tank evaluations and rehabilitations.  Ms. Harper is responsible for quality assurance/quality control for all aspects of the firm including analysis of corrosion problems, preparation of specifications and plans, construction management, maintenance programs, inspection, and coordination with clients.  Ms. Harper is the past chairman of the AWWA Tanks, Reservoirs and Structures Maintenance Committee and a member of NACE and other industry related organizations.

© Harper & Associates Engineering, Inc.

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